Wednesday 19 February 2014

Lemon Wednesday


I've been talking about starting a blog for so long it's just embarrassing now - time to put pen to paper (or fingers to keys). I love keeping a journal, it's my absolute pride and joy but I hate that I can't share it with the family at home or my lovely friends dotted around the world. SO here it is, Abbot's Muse :) Expect scatty chat about anything and everything, day to day traumas, frequent rants and rare fashion posts. I'm sure Nana J is going to be my main audience but if anyone else shows a glimmer of interest I'll be stoked!

So here is what occurred today: 

- I was very lazy this morning and didn't make a packed lunch. I can't justify spending £3 on a sandwich, far too poor! I chided myself the entire walk to work at my recklessness (not even kidding) when I fell onto the prettiest £5 note I ever saw. HURRAH! I invested in a loaf of granary brown bread and donated the rest to Mental Health Foundation which was coincidentally having a bake sale at the uni today; lemon and walnut loaf was purchased for me and some work mates. Cheers for having my back whoever lost that, you're the best.

- The International Volunteering team of the uni held the selection event for this summer's trip to Bhopal. If you know me at all, you've most likely heard me wax on about the three weeks I spent in India last summer.  It was so much fun meeting the new team; even if it did make me green with envy. Might just have to make a comeback...

- Last but never least, Lemon Wednesday! Orange Wednesday is cool, but Lemon Wednesday is cooler. You get to talk over the film, eat cake and your movie choices aren't restricted by what the cinema wants to play. Heather hosted this week, Rhi made the best chocolate cake I've ever tasted and we watched Jake Gyllenhaal solve some creepy child catcher mysteries. It's the best midweek activity ever.

Hope your day has been good. Stick with me while I get to grips with this blogging malarky... Will (hopefully!) get there in the end! 

Sweet Dreams,



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