Wednesday 5 March 2014

Let The Wild Rumpus Start!

Good morning!

I’m having an early morning write because the nights are flying by; it’s quite nice feeling like I’m organised at 6.43. The next few days are full of fun – ballet, movies, gigs and a big India reunion (posts to follow!) so wanted to make sure I scrawled something before the madness begins.

Jordan and I have just returned from a lovely few days in Paris! Thank you so so so much to our kind families and the people who bought clothes and a jazzy bumbag from me on Ebay – your donations keep us alive in the form of croissants, merci! We were lucky enough to have got tickets for the sell-out Haim gig at Le Trianon which was easily as beautiful as when the Eiffel Tour does its sparkle show. They are SUCH ‘babes’ (Jordan’s official verdict). Sure they’ll be glad to hear he approves. I will do a proper write-up soon when I get a chunk of time, promise!

Last night was the wonderful Lemon Wednesday, best mid-week treat. I missed out on the Shrove fun due to travelling cross-county but last night more than made up for it... lemons (duh), sugar, honey, cocoa powder,  almonds, galaxy caramel AND homemade Strawberry jam! Not all at once though, let’s not get sick. The movie choice of last night was Spike Jonze’s (Jonzes? Jonzes’?  English Lit grad needs the grammar police please) Where the Wild Things Are. I adore this film; it seriously gives me a warm glow. The nostalgic story carved by the visionary Maurice Sendak is brought to life by the most incredible costume design and animation – it should have won awards everywhere! Watching it with JK and friends was excellent, it’s been a while since I had seen it and it never fails to make me smile. The childish Karen O soundtrack compliments Max’s rampages perfectly; I always end up humming the songs for days after. Plus it always reminds me of my best friends who enthusiastically share my love of the film and the time my little sister went to see it around Christmas time when it first came out. We came out of the cinema and the world was so quiet, there was a thick, beautiful, untouched blanket of SNOW. It was truly magical.

Have a nice day Wild Things!
L x

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