Monday 31 March 2014

My heart skips a beat every time that we meet; it’s been a while and now your smile is almost like a memory...

Last weekend was so much fun; I managed to see two of my favourite people! Friday night my friend and I took a road trip to Manchester, listening to lots of Tame Impala and eating so many Salt and Vinegar Pringles my lips started to sting. I went to see little sister in her student halls for the first time (my bad it took so long!) which made me feel pretty old – I like to pretend to myself I’m still 19 living the first year fresher’s dream.. I’m so far from it now aha. It was looovely to see her; we went to Tops and ate our body weight in noodles then retreated back to her accommodation to watch a bit of stand-up. I dragged her out of bed the next morning to do some shopping before I jumped on a train to Preston to see my bestest! You won’t be able to get rid of me so easy next time Clobo... We need to go see all the libraries of Manchester :)

Sam, the bestest, loves to hate her uni town (famed for possessing the first UK branch of KFC – oh dear) but it impressed even her this weekend. Avenham Park adventures, Prawn and Calamari risotto along with Adventure Time on repeat made for a perfect weekend getaway. One of my favourite places we visited was the Mystery Tea House from which I bought a Cherry and Rum blend... too good! A few doors along from the tea house is Retro Rehab, a lovely little Vintage shop that doesn't require you to sift through a tonne of ill-fitting smelly clothes before you find something semi-decent. We both loved everything we tried on and had to resist buying more than the few things we did get. Saturday ended with an intense game of Charades and films in bed... 

Top Babe <3

Concentrating on not falling in gives you extra chins.

Spending the weekend chatting about silly things, walking in woods and skyping our lovely best friend Chan was one of the best weekends I've had in a long time.  THANK YOU for having me Chloe and Sam xxxx 

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